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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Episode 25 - Jeff Schroeder

In this week's episode, we had the pleasure of catching up with our good friend and founder of, Jeff Schroeder. Jeff shares the history behind and creation story of, as well as his brainchild of videoing the bulls at Denver (we helped last year!). Enjoy a great conversation on technology and information in the cattle industry!


  1. Awww!! So cool! The ladies really ARE in for a real treat Jeff!! :) A great job by two very talented livestock professionals. And should I say, a great lady behind the scenes too Blaine!

  2. Additional comment. You just admitted that you paid more for a domain name than you did for a herd bull! HA HA. I KNOW because you have bought one from us. Next time you come I'm using that to our advantage ha ha.

  3. Great interview. Wonderful to finally put a face to Jeff. Can't wait to see the Denver videos.
